Sometimes you win but you never really lose, you always get to learn something either way… The last days were kind of confusional, we made some plans according to the forecast but changed our mind last minute and we lost a good day of waves pumping down south. We decided to go anyways on the day that the forecast wasn’t as promising as the previous ones but at least we were in a good company which is always the main factor for a good vibe trip!

Classic super early wake up at 5:30 in the morning with an appointment somewhere along the road on the way out of Athens with the help of our faithful Google maps, we meet in the pouring rain try to fit everything into the car and off we go… Usual phone calls and text messages along the way to try to figure out which spot is working better and after 2 and a half hours we are there!

Spot is working properly and we quickly get ready, some are already in the water some are still mentally in bed, some are getting the photo gear ready… roles are set, everything is aligned and off we start the day… the spot is known for the rocky bottom and everybody is flirting with the rocks while they ride the end section of the waves. Some jump back while aproaching, others are getting used to the flirt, one of the most flirty guys is Nikolas Plytas who tries consistenly to get closer and closer with seemingly good results without being concerned at all and with high confidence levels. His experience with water sets the standards really high and you cannot do anything but trust him!
As you see things can go wrong sometimes but that doesn’t mean you lose… You may be worried you may cause others to be worried but when everything flows and ends well just try to forget it and keep up going, especially when a big smile prevails! Thank everyone for a great day and be grateful, everything is under control, Life is good and goes on, till the next swell! All photos by our beloved Alex Grymanis.